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Getting your home inspection-ready helps ensure a smooth process and avoids unnecessary delays. Follow these simple steps to make sure everything is in order:
✅ Check All Lights: Replace any burned-out bulbs to ensure proper function.
✅ Fix Plumbing Issues: Repair leaks, slow drains, and running toilets.
✅ Service Your HVAC: Change air filters for optimal performance.
✅ Ignite Pilot Lights: Ensure all pilot lights are on for gas appliances.
✅ Keep Utilities On: Electricity, water, and gas should remain connected.
✅ Provide Clear Access: Make sure the attic, crawlspace, furnace, and water heater are easily accessible.
✅ Empty Appliances: Remove dishes from the dishwasher and clothes from the washer and dryer so they can be tested.
✅ Secure Pets: Keep animals kenneled or off-site during the inspection.
✅ Disable Alarm Systems: Turn off security alarms and provide property access.
✅ Plan to Be Away: Expect to be out of the home for at least 3-4 hours.
Taking these steps ensures a seamless inspection process, helping buyers and inspectors evaluate your home without interruptions. Need an inspection? Schedule with us today!
Preparing your Home for Inspection - A seller's Checklist